真美国际,集研发、生产、销售和服务为一体的全球化集团企业,专注于美丽及成长的探索与改革,坚持以稳健经营、持续创新、开放合作的事业态度,秉持为消费者提供优质产品和服务,为合作伙伴提供优良事业发展机会的理念,构建更加美丽的世界。真美国际产品覆盖身体科学塑型、健康美容等领域,旗下明星产品包产L’IEVEILL(蕾薇尔)美体内衣以及Sheenmaine 精华液。
Genuinebeauty International is a globalized enterprise group integrating research and development, manufacturing, sales and services. Committed to discovering and redefining beauty and growth, it strikes to provide customers with premium products and services, create business development opportunities for its partners and build a better world by upholding sound operation, continuous innovation and openness to cooperation. Genuinebeauty International is engaged in scientific body shaping, health & beauty and other areas, its signature products include L’IEVEILL shapewear and Sheenmaine Concentrated Essence.